Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Frost Archers Team Comp & Build Guide (Best 9.15 Build)
Articles, Teamfight Tactics /
31 Jul 2019
Frost Archers Team Comp & Build Guide (Best 9.15 Build)
Champions; Braum, Brand, Kennen, Sejuani, Ashe, Varus, Lissandra
Heavy CC ranger comp that gets most of it’s damage from Statikk Shivs and Kennen+ Morello. This is a well balanced comp that can pivot to guardians at level 8.
When to make:
When you get a good start with attack speed items, and hit your Brand before Kindred, it’s probably a good time to commit to this comp.
- Early game: Noble with Vayne is a very good start for early game. Try to get a Statikk Shiv online quickly, it will carry your early game.
- Mid game: Don’t be afraid to roll down after hitting level 6 to find your core pieces. Here is where the magic happens for this comp.
General tips:
- Statikk Shiv is a beast early game. Don’t be afraid to build attack speed items and place them one Vayne early on.
- Rangers are one of the most flexible builds with different options you can transition to depending on what you are rolling.
- Picking up an early Anivia let’s you sub in Leona for Sejuani. Otherwise add in Leona at 8 for an obvious huge boost in power.
Ideal items for carries:
- Ashe: Stattik Shiv x2, Spear of Shojin
- Kennen: Morellonomicon, Guardian Angel