Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Gameplay Basics
Articles, Teamfight Tactics /
30 May 2019
Gameplay Basics
- -In a match of Teamfight Tactics, you’ll be pitted against seven others players. Each player has control over their own “chess board” on which they can place their own units. All the action takes place on these boards.
- -At the very beginning of each match, everyone in the match will start on the same chess board and in control of their own “Little Legend” or playable avatars. There will be a “Carousel” or rotating pool of champions in the very centre of the chess board, and each player will choose one champion to take into the first round. To choose one, simply walk over it.
- -Once you’ve been teleported onto your own chess board, you’ll notice two “Creeps” waiting for you. Drag your champion from the “bench” onto the board. When the round commences, your champion will begin fighting them automatically. All fights in Teamfight Tactics take place automatically, strategy lies in how you build your team, use items and so on.
- -At the start of each round, you’ll be presented with a pool of random champions which can be purchased from the shop using gold. Any champions purchased will sit on the bench at the bottom of the screen.
- -Champions can then be dragged from the bench onto the board. The total number of champions you can have on the board is dictated by your character level.
- -The first three rounds of each match will always feature battles against creep waves. Their main purpose is to give you gold, EXP and items which you can use to start constructing a team. Once these rounds are over, you will begin facing off against real players.
- -At specific intervals in a match, you’ll face off against stronger Creep waves. Defeat them and powerful items or extra gold may drop.
- -The Carousel will also return at specific intervals too. It’ll feature a rotating pool of heroes as per usual, but each hero will come equipped with a unique item. What’s more, each player’s position in the leaderboard will determine the pick order. If you’re number one, you’ll get to pick your champion last. Conversely, if you’re last, you’ll get to pick first.
- -At the end of each round you’ll gain EXP and gold depending on how well you performed. You’ll primarily use gold to buy new champions, but it can also be used to level up your character, and in turn, increase the total number of champions you can have on the board.
- -As players are beaten in individual rounds, they’ll take damage and slowly drop out of contention. It’s a case of being smart with your composition and economy to increase your chances of becoming the last person standing.