Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – General Gold Management Tips
Articles, Teamfight Tactics /
15 Jul 2019
General Gold Management Tips
- -Getting a 2 gold unit with a mediocre item off of the first carousel is often better then a 1 gold unit with a good item. The reason is that by selling the 2 gold unit, you have a much bigger chance of hitting a 2 star 1 gold unit which can save you a lot of early HP.
- -Don’t hold onto 3 gold units in the first battle stage. They take up a lot of your early gold value and can prevent you from hitting 2 star 1 gold units (which are often more powerful then 1 star 3 gold units). There can be exceptions to this if you have a composition that would benefit from the 3 gold unit, Gangplank for Pirate Gunslingers for example, but try not to hold on to them for the sake of holding on.
- -Don’t roll or spend money on creep wave rounds unless you feel like you won’t be able to kill them. Learn how to position against each camp so this isn’t often a problem.
- -Since you don’t get extra interest for multiples of 10 above 50, use spare gold to buy experience down to 50 at the end of each turn. Level 8 will come surprisingly quickly while doing this.