Teamfight Tactics (TFT) - Glacial Rangers Team Comp & Build - Magic Game World

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Glacial Rangers Team Comp & Build

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Glacial Rangers Team Comp & Build


Kha’zix, Pyke, Evelynn, Katarina, Rengar, Akali, Rek’Sai, Cho’Gath.


The goal of this comp is to get a 3-star Vayne as your carry. With the massive amounts of CC the other units in this comp provide, Vayne is free to destroy everything easily out of a corner position.




This is a good comp to roll into if you start with Vayne and noble buff and some filler units like Varus. Then you can work your way towards replacing the noble units with Ashe, Volibear, and Lissandra.


If you get your hands on a Spatula, go to 7, and make Vayne a glacial unit with Frozen Mallet. Add Braum and you’ll have 6 glacials and it’s GG.


For Vayne we advise using 2 attack speed items, if possible 2 Rageblades due to how quickly it will stack for her. The last item can be Frozen Mallet, Runaan’s Hurricane, or Shiv.



Ideal items for carries:

  • Vayne(carry #1): 2 Guinsoo’s Rageblades, Frozen Mallet, Runaan’s Hurricane, Statikk Shiv.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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