Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Good Units & Champs Guide - Magic Game World

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Good Units & Champs Guide

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Void/Assassin Team Comp & Build

Pyke: Finally, a pirate that’s actually decent. Pyke does a lot of damage when he uses his ability, and can zip around the map. His assassin bonus is pretty nice too, and the only thing that’s keeping him back from being a very good champ, is his pirate bonus which does absolutely nothing. He had potential, but the pirate bonus does nothing.



Morgana: Morgana is a pretty decent sorcerer, and has a very useful AOE ability that can really hurt their tanks if it lasts. Her sorcerer race is very nice, and she can use her ability pretty early (her ability is the same as her ult in League). The problem though is that she has to get really close (but not Graves close) to your enemies in order for her to get a good ult in. However, this leaves her vulnerable, and most often that not she dies pretty early (but at least she’ll have had been able to use her ability once).



Kennen: Kennen is in the same situation with Morgana, but sadly he doesn’t have the sorcerer race. His ninja bonus is completely useless since he’s an AP character, so the only good thing left is his Elementalist class. Since he’s an elementalist, he can casts his ability pretty early just like Morgana, but he also has to get close in order for you to get the maximum value out of him. Good mage, but having him get close and more vulnerable danger is, like Morgana, not very good.



Lucian: Lucians ability makes him basically dash and do two small attacks. It may sound really bad, but I’ve had situations where he dodged Varus’s ability and Aurelion Sol’s ability. Seeing that made me respect him much more. His damage and attack speed is ok, and his dashing allows him to sometimes stall a little bit, but overall, you really only use him for his noble race.



Ahri: Ahri’s a decent sorcerer like Morgan’s, but the difference between the two of them is that Ahris can stay a bit further away than Morgana, and her ability (which is her Q) usually only hits about 1-2 targets. You really want to use mages for their AOE abilities, so Ahri falls short compared to Morgana. She is still, however, a decent sorcerer and can deal a large amount of damage to a singular unit. She can also spam her ability a lot thanks to her wild class, if you have a lot of wild Champs.



Yasuo: Yasuo is a meat shield. You generally want to place him far away from your units in order to get him to attract all of the other enemies. His shield makes it so that he’s lasts a pretty long time, but he takes too long to use his tornado (which is like in Regular League where he needs to use his ability two times before he can use the tornado), and he often dies before he can use it. Still a good tank though, and much better than Braum or Morde. He just takes to long to do anything before he dies.



Veigar: Unlike his counterpart in regular League, Veigar doesn’t gain AP. His ability is like his regular ult, except it has a twist of instantly killing anything that has a lower star rating than he does. Problem is, he’s a bit rare so it’ll take a bit before he can reach 2 stars and has the potential to one shot other champs, but sadly, by the time you upgrade him to 2 star, there probably won’t be a 1 star left. His damage is ok, but it’s not AOE, which is vitally important when building your comp.



Rek’sai: Rek’sai is a good tank that’s to her brawler class, and she has a decent amount of health when you first get her. The problem is her ability, which makes her burrow underground and pop up anywhere randomly, knocking up units that was above her. However, the ability doesn’t do much damage, and usually it never goes into a populated area and minsters knocks up only about 1 or 2 champs if you’re lucky.



Rengar: Rengar does a lot of damage, but his ability isn’t that useful and all it does is jump to another random enemy. He’s also pretty squishy and will die easily, since he’s headed straight into the front lines (or their back line, if you will). He’s ok, but not great.



Shen: Shens ability is making an area around him, which causes allies in it to be immune to auto attacks. He’s a very good tank, but sadly the ninja race doesn’t do much for him. If he was like a noble, he would be much higher in this list.



Zed: Zed does an extreme amount of damage, but he can’t use his abilities very quickly (his shuriken throw) so he dies very quickly. Ninja tag makes him pretty good alone. But some of the best ninjas are assassins, it’s best just to use him as bonus fodder.



Katarina: Katarina is rather complicated. If she can use her ability, you’ve instantly won the match. If she can’t, then you’ll have wasted a slot. Her ult (her spin knife move) she’s an extreme amount of AOE damage, and if they can’t stop her, she absolutely destroys everyone. Problem is, it’s hard for her to gain enough mana in order to use her ult, and somehow, she’s always targeted first by the AI so she does very quickly.



Kha’zix: Kha’zix can do some pretty neat damage, but his race makes it so he has to rely on the assassin buff. Sadly, his ability does damage to 1 champ, and is increased if that champ is alone. Problem is, most champs in this game are rarely ever isolated.



Shyvana: Shyvana is the opposite of Elise, where when transformed, she comes a ranged character. Shyvana not bad, and can be both tanky and deal a decent amount of damage, but most of the time, jacks of all trades don’t have a specific skill they’re good at, and end up being mediocre with everything. She’s not bad when it comes to damage or tanking, it’s just that her ability isn’t that great. If you can get an Aurelion sol though, then she becomes decent as she can’t be damaged by mage spells.



Lulu: Lulus ult is basically her regular ult. She’s pretty nice when it comes to supporting, and the knock-up when she uses is pretty neat. The problem though is that she always takes too long to cast her ult, and unless you have her at 2 star, most of the time she’ll just ult herself instead of someone who actually needs it. The sorcerer buff is nice, but yordles are a weird race in this game, so I can’t say about how strong the race it isn’t yet.



Akali: Akali just throws her kunai like her regular Q. She can cast it often, and it deals a decent amount of damage. If you have her alone as a ninja, she’s pretty good, but like all of the major assassins, she’s pretty vulnerable and dies easily. However, she can cast her abilities quickly enough for it not to be a wasted slot.



Swain: Swain is a really strong unit of leveled up, but the problem is that it’s hard to level him up since he’s so rare, and that unless he has the correct items, he’s rather weak. His ability is basically his regular ult, and if he doesn’t get the support, he won’t carry his weight. He can become a very strong carry though if you build around him.



Blitzcrank: Blitzcrank can be either good or bad, depending on who you pull. If you pull in a tank, then you’re just hurting yourself more than helping yourself. If you can pull in one of their back line though, like a ranged character or a mage, then you’re in a pretty good spot. It all comes down to whether he pulls in a good unit or not.



Varus: Varus’s ability is basically his Q. It does a lot of damage, travels through the entire board, and he can use it pretty quickly, which is why he’s a really good ranged champ. He also has the ranger class, which can be very useful, although the demon race is a bit hit or miss.



Anivia: Anivias ability is basically her ult. It does an extreme amount of damage, covers a pretty large area, and she has the elementalist class so she can cast it pretty quickly. Combine that with the fact that she’s a Glacial, and she becomes very very good.



Kindred: The reason Kindred is so good is thanks to her ability, which is basically her ult. It’s super nice when you have a tight group of squishy units that can be protected by Kindreds ult from dieting for a bit of time. She’s also a phantom and a ranger, two very good classes to have, which upgrades her power level even more.



Brand: Like Anivia, Brands ability is his ult. Just by that first sentence you can tell why Brand is so powerful. His ult does a crap ton of damage, travels to each enemy champ dealing AOE damage, and he’s also an elementalist, which is a pretty good class, since his attacks grant him double mana, allowing him to cast his ult even quicker.



Warwick: Warwick is an extremely beefy tank and, thanks to his ability which is his ult, he can quickly heal and immobilize a lot of enemy champs very quickly. It’s very hard to kill him unless you have most champs focus him, and his wild and brawler class makes it even harder to kill him.



Darius: Darius ‘s ability is his Q, which makes him very hard to kill just like Warwick. He is very tanky, can deal AOE damage, and he can heal himself easily. He’s very cheap early on, so it’s not hard to build him on your team. The kicker here, is his Imperial and Knight bonuses. As a Knight, he can become even tangier and harder to kill, and if you have enough imperials, he can even do double damage.



Kassadin: Kassadin is a weird guy to talk about. For one thing, he’s not exactly a tank, but also doesn’t deal an insane amount of damage, so what makes him so good? His ability. His ability makes it so every time he auto attacks someone, he drains their mana and uses it as a shield for himself. Its like a guaranteed demon bonus, only it’s stronger for him thanks to his shield. His void class makes him ignore armor, which is also nice, and he scales with AP so his sorcerer class isn’t useless.



Volibear: Volibears ability is his ult. Since he’s tanky, deals a lot of damage, has Glacial and Brawler bonus’s, he becomes an extremely vital piece for anyone going Glacials. All around, a good tank that can also do some AOE damage.



Leona: Leona is an extremely useful character, having a very wide and large AOE stun, while also being an extremely tanky character is why she’s a must have for most comps. She’s also a noble and a guardian, noble being one of the strongest races while guardians being decent, makes her a very powerful character.



Vayne: Vayne is super powerful thanks to, well, everything about her. Whenever she attacks a champ for the third time, her third attack does bonus true damage. It’s so powerful when combined with items such as rageblade, and she’s also a ranger and a noble, two of the most powerful classes in the game, which elevated her to a very powerful character.



Sejuani: Like Leona, Sejuani is a very powerful and tanky CC character. Her ult freezes and deals damage to enemies in a certain area (which is quite big, and can freeze up to 4-5 champs) and she gets the Glacial and Knight bonuses. Sejuani is vital to Glacials, and can single handedly turn the tide of battle thanks to her ult. You can’t kill her very easily thanks to her tankiness, so she just becomes a massive threat on the board.



Nidalee: Unlike Elise, Nidalee gets a lot of bonuses when she transforms, such as the ability to constantly heal herself and her teammates, and her wild bonus which increases her attack speed, so even if she’s melee when she transforms, she still can carry her weight in game and is a very strong character.



Kayle: Kayle ability makes an ally immune to damage for a few seconds. The number of allies she can make immune to damage increases with each star level. She may sound like a slightly better fiora, but unlike fiora, she can spam her abilities very quickly, easily protecting your allies long enough for them to cause a significant impact, and she’s ranged so it’s hard for your enemies to reach her. Combine this with her Noble and Knight bonus’s, and she becomes an extremely powerful protector.



Aurelion Sol: Sol is a very powerful mage like Brand or Anivia. He can charge up his ability (his ult) very quickly and can do insane amounts of damage very quickly and easily. His sorcerer class increases his damage, and he’s just a powerful mage in general.



Garen: Garen is an extremely tanky, yet damage dealing, Knight of the Noble race. He ability makes him spell, and deal AOE damage. However, a trick that is starting to get common in TFT is to build Morellos on Garen. This is because Morellos activates when he spins, so he just becomes a godamn Beast. Noble and Knights, one of the best bonuses, combined with damage and tankiness and the fact that he’s cheap and can be built early on, makes him a powerhouse of a champ.



Poppy: Poppy is pretty tanky, but she doesn’t deal a lot of damage. The reason why she’s so high on this list is because of her ability. If aimed correctly, it can stun and knock-up every single enemy champ. She’s a very useful support and CC champ, with the Knight class allowing her to sustain well as other tank champs.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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