Teamfight Tactics (TFT) - Item Inventory Guide - Magic Game World

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Item Inventory Guide

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Item Inventory

This is where you can see items before they are equipped from champions.


To equip an item, all you need to do is drag and then drop to equip. Once equipped, it can’t be undone, and the only way to remove the item is to sell the champion. Selling a champion results in the items equipped on them to return to the inventory.


Items are also important since they can increase the base stats of your champions. They can even be upgraded to stronger items to give unique effects. In PvE rounds, each monster you defeat has a chance to drop an item. During draft rounds, each draftable champion already has an item equipped.



There are eight basic items:

  • BF Sword: Attacks deal more damage


  • Chain Vest: Take less damage from basic attacks


  • Giant’s Belt: Gain health


  • Needlessly Large Rod: Abilities are stronger


  • Negatron Cloak: Take less damage from abilities


  • Recurve Bow: Attack more often


  • Spatula: Provides no stats but upgrades into various rule-breaking items


  • Tear of the Goddess: Begin combat with some mana


If a champion is equipped with two basic items, they immediately combine to become an upgraded item and have the same combination of stats as its components. Each pair of basic items result in a different upgraded item.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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