Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Little Sparks Team Comp & Build Guide (Best 9.15 Comp)
Articles, Teamfight Tactics /
31 Jul 2019
Little Sparks Team Comp & Build Guide (Best 9.15 Comp)
Champions; Tristana, Poopy, Gnar, Kennen, Veigar, Ahri, Lulu
Relying on insane evasion with good CC, this comp can be a nightmare for your enemy to deal with. Gnar is your main carry with insane wild attack speed providing a great way to use Static Shiv, even at 1 star.
When to make:
If you have a Static Shiv made early, and you start finding yordles, keep this comp as a potential option.
- Early game: Hunt for those Static Shivs at carousels and focus on either Knights or Nobles in the early game.
- Mid game: At level 6 you can play 4 knights+3 yordles to survive till you find your 6 yordles.
General tips:
- Nobles or knights is a good start, since you can put your items on Lucian early on.
- Make sure to prioritize yordle buff when you are limited on board space. The sorceror buff will come in handly later.
Ideal items for carries:
- Gnar: Stattik Shiv x2
- Kennen: Morellonomicon, Guardian Angel