Teamfight Tactics (TFT) - Machine Gun Lulu Build Guide - Magic Game World

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Machine Gun Lulu Build Guide

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Machine Gun Lulu Build

As the name implies, this build is centered around making Lulu the primary damage dealer of an army through increased rate of fire items. If the Recurve Bows are abounding, here’s what to build:


-Guinsoo’s Rageblade (Recurve Bow and N.L.R.)


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-Rapid Firecannon (Recurve Bow x2)


-Statikk Shiv (Recurve Bow and Tear of the Goddess)


Guinsoo’s Rageblade, currently one of the best items in the game, is key to getting Lulu’s attack speed going. This speeds up her rate of fire indefinitely, Rapid Firecannon prevents any misses, and Statikk Shiv deals splash damage every third attack. Once the Rageblade really kicks in, Statikk Shiv can become very powerful on Lulu.


Lulu is without much protection here. However, she is able to do plenty of damage herself. Because of this, consider surrounding Lulu with tanky characters like Braum or Sejuani to prevent a quick exit. Classes like Demon or Glacial, which stun and prevent enemies from using their abilities, would build around Lulu very well and would allow her to keep her allies up and deal immense damage. At the end of the day, anything to keep enemies off of Lulu is a must for this build so she can get the full rewards of the Rageblade.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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