Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Ninja Assassin Elementalist Team Comp & Build Guide - Magic Game World

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Ninja Assassin Elementalist Team Comp & Build Guide

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Ninja Assassin Elementalist Team Comp & Build

Final Team: Lissandra, Shen, Zed, Pyke, Kennen, Akali, Brand.


  • -Ninja: 4


  • -Assassin: 3


  • -Elementalist: 3


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This composition is quite easy to build as there are mostly low cost champions, but also note that you need several units to enable the trait bonuses.



Shen is the only tank champion in this lineup, but once unlocked the Elementalist synergy you will have a golem on the battlefield. The golem has been nerfed in 9.14 (damage halved), however it doesn’t matter a lot because you want a meat-shield and it has still thousands of HP.


  • -Start with Pyke, Zed, and a random Assassin to achieve the three Assassin synergy and the one Ninja bonus.



Your next actions depend on your luck as you need the tier 4 units Brand and Akali to complete the remaining synergies:


  • -Add Lissandra, Kennen, and finally Brand for the 3 Elementalist synergy.


  • -Remove the random assassin and add Shen and Akali for the four Ninja and three Assassin bonuses.


  • -Later on, replace Lissandra with Anivia in order to retain the Elementalist bonus with a better unit.



The 9.14 patch buffed Kennen and optimized Akali, so the latter became an even stronger carry than in the past. I suggest building Seraph’s Embrace on Akali so she will be able to utilize her ultimate constantly, and Hextech Gunblade for self-healing capabilities.



Zed is your other carry so you should build DPS items on him, such as Rapid Firecannon.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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