Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Noble/Knight/Imperial Build Guide - Magic Game World

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Noble/Knight/Imperial Build Guide

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Noble/Knight/Imperial Build

This composition thrives off a number of synergies and it’ll transform into an almost unstoppable force as the match progresses.


The Noble and Knight buffs will keep your frontline alive, while the Imperial bonus will elevate your damage dealers to ridiculous heights. This composition works brilliantly as you’ll eventually create an almost unkillable tanky frontline in combination with damage dealers who can sit back, relax and land a multitude of killer blows.


Assassins are your only threat, so it’s worth sticking one tank on your backline to draw aggro away from your damage dealers and prevent the enemy from eliminating your key DPS source/s early on.

  • -Noble (Nobles grant +100 armour and heal for 35 on hit): Garen, Vayne, Fiora and Kayle.


  • -Imperial (Imperials deal double damage): Darius, Draven, Katarina and Swain.


  • -Knight (Knights block damage from basic attacks): Darius, Garen and Kayle apply.


  • -Blademaster (Blademasters have a 35% chance to strike additional times each attack): Draven, Fiora and Yasuo apply.



Here’s foggedftw2 showing us how it’s done:


Focus your efforts on acquiring Garen, Darius and Draven or Vayne early on. It’s then a case of gradually picking up the rest to fulfil the bonuses. As the game approaches late game, make sure your Draven is buffed with damage items and tucked away so he’ll output disgusting amounts of DPS.


Yasuo can be picked up much later to acquire the Blademaster synergy, but it’s not an absolute must.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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