Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Nobles + Guardians + Glacials + Gunslingers + Knights Build & Team Comp - Magic Game World

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Nobles + Guardians + Glacials + Gunslingers + Knights Build & Team Comp

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Wild Shapeshifters Build

This lineup also works around the hyper-carry tactic, except you’re choosing Lucian instead of Vayne. The whole point of this lineup is to bring one of the heaviest frontlines in the game, while doing constant damage thanks to your Gunslingers. You will have less CC than the “Protect Doublelift” comp, while doing less single-target damage. However, thanks to the (4) Gunslinger trait, along with the AoE from Tristana and Gangplank, you’ll be able to proc massive area damage, obliterating your opponent’s lineup in just a few shots.


(4) Gunslinger: Miss Fortune, Lucian, Tristana, Graves, Gangplank


(2/4) Glacial: Volibear, Lissandra, Braum, Anivia, Sejuani, Ashe


(2) Guardian: Leona, Braum


(3) Noble: Leona, Garen, Vayne, Fiora, Lucian, Kayle


(2) Knight: Garen, Sejuani, Darius, Mordekaiser, Poppy, Kayle


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Core lineup: Leona, Garen, Lucian, Miss Fortune, Gangplank/Graves, Tristana, Braum

To start this lineup, you will probably need to pick Lucian during the “Carousel” (Shared Draft) phase. As soon as possible, pick Garen and Fiora to complete the (3) Noble trait. It should also be easy to find Tristana and Graves, completing the (2) Gunslinger trait while opening up the next level.


As soon as possible, pick Gangplank. According to your preferences, you will then switch either Graves, Tristana or Gangplank for Miss Fortune.


In the same way, switch Fiora for Leona as soon as possible, and pick Sejuani to strengthen your frontline with big CC. Sejuani will also synergize with Garen, granting you the (2) Knight trait. Braum will now come handy, as he will synergize with both, unlocking the (2) Guardian and (2) Glacial traits.



Your final two pieces can either be:

-two Imperials, such as Swain and Draven, as they will increase your overall damage.

-two Glacials, such as Volibear, Lissandra, Ashe or Anivia, as they will increase your chances to permastun your opponent’s lineup


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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