Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Pirates + Blademasters + Gunslingers + Imperials Build & Team Comp - Magic Game World

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Pirates + Blademasters + Gunslingers + Imperials Build & Team Comp

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Pirates + Blademasters + Gunslingers + Imperials Build & Team Comp

The purpose of this lineup is to use the massive amount of gold generated by the Pirate trait in order to build a hyper-carry strategy. In other words, your whole composition should be centered around either one of two key champions. You’ll aim to give the (4) Gunslinger trait to Lucian and the (2) Imperial trait to Draven — who will also benefit from the Blademaster trait.


(4) Gunslingers: Miss Fortune, Graves, Lucian, Gangplank, Tristana


(3) Blademasters: Draven, Gangplank, Yasuo/Shen


(2) Imperials: Draven, Swain


(3) Pirates: Graves, Pyke/Miss Fortune, Gangplank


(1) Ninja: Shen


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Core lineup: Gangplank, Miss Fortune, Graves, Lucian, Swain, Draven, Yasuo, Shen


To start this composition, you will need the (3) Pirate trait (Graves, Pyke, Gangplank). Thanks to Gangplank you’ll be able to quickly get either one of the Gunslinger or Blademaster traits since he has them both. However, Pirates are quite weak in the mid/late game, which means you’ll need to be ready to switch to another frontline if necessary.


At first, you need to quickly establish your (4) Gunslinger trait. You should already have Gangplank and Graves, and we strongly suggest picking Lucian as a hyper-carry, meaning you should always prioritize his items. Tristana will be your final Gunslinger until you find Miss Fortune. At this moment, you’ll be able to sell both Tristana and Pyke, while keeping both Gunslinger and Pirate traits.


Pick Draven as soon as you see him. If you get him from the Carousel (Shared Draft) then make sure to have a good item for him. Remember: Tear is useless on champions that have passives.


A Shen will come handy to strengthen your frontline, especially since he will synergize with Gangplank and Draven to give you the Blademaster trait. You’ll then switch Shen for Yasuo when you find him.


Swain should be added to your lineup as soon as possible, as he will help you deal with an Assassin composition while also being a good addition for your frontline. This will obviously add the Imperial trait to your synergies, along with Draven.


Thanks to the Pirate trait and the perfect management of your interest, you should be rolling in the dough. Before thinking about your ninth (and supposedly last) piece, you should use this money to upgrade all your epic and legendary pieces to Tier 2 (Draven, Miss Fortune, Yasuo, Swain).


Your last piece should be a double, meaning you will try to get another Draven, Yasuo, or Swain.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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