Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Rangers Build & Comp Guide - Magic Game World

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Rangers Build & Comp Guide

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Rangers Build

Champions: Vayne (1), Mordekaiser (1), Braum (2) Varus (2), Ashe (3), Kindred (4), Sejuani (4), Leona (4)


Your carry is Vayne. She isn’t the most interesting unit, but once she’s upgraded and has a couple of items to her name, she’s a force to be reckoned with. She sits well with AS items, which would naturally include a Guinsoo’s Rageblade (or two), Rapid Firecannon, or even Bloodthirster for sustain. There are multiple routes you can choose alongside four Rangers, but we found our choices are the most consistently strong.


Mordekaiser is a weak unit and offers practically nothing, but when combined with Kindred, one of your four Rangers, Phantom will come into play. It’s extremely RNG-related, targetting a random enemy unit, but if it hits a carry, your chances of winning are multiplied. It’s a toxic Origin, but for the time being, it’s a powerful option. Mordekaiser is also fairly reliable in the early game as a tank. He’s nothing to write home about, but he should be decent. You shouldn’t waste items on him unless you’re going for something like Frozen Heart or Zeke’s Herald. It would be more sensible to equip Sejuani with Frozen Heart, though.


Your next early game tank in Braum. Again, he isn’t the best stand-alone unit, but Glacial is definitely worthwhile. When combined with Ashe, his presence will mean a great deal. Ashe is one of your secondary carries. If you can combine her with AS or Spear of Shojin, her CC potential is insane. You’ll be freezing, stunning, and damaging to your heart’s content.


You’ll only need two Glacial units to make use of the buff, but you should still aim for Sejuani. She’s your go-to tank that you can stack with defensive items and her CC is one of the strongest in the game. It should allow for your Rangers to deal damage and burst down your enemy’s force. You can give her Frozen Heart or maybe Phantom Dancer and Dragon’s Claw. At this point, she should be able to soak up damage while getting her ult off with ease.


For your last tank, Leona is a solid choice. In terms of synergy, she fits with Braum and is given a nice boost of armor. But, most importantly, her ult is a good source of CC. If you add her to the comp, you’ll have two Nobles. This doesn’t do anything, but if you’re going for a safe early-game comp, then Garen will likely be in your lineup. In this case, she’ll be a good addition. Once you replace Garen, Fiora, or whoever you’re sporting in the early game, Leona will still be a good stand-alone tank.


When your Rangers are in full swing, your comp will be unstoppable. Kindred’s ultimate to defend your backline, Ashe’s CC, Varus’ burst damage, and Vayne’s sustainability creates a deadly combination. Add a tanky frontline and tons of CC, and this comp should work wonders.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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