Teamfight Tactics (TFT) - Rangers + Knights into Phantom - Build & Comp - Magic Game World

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Rangers + Knights into Phantom – Build & Comp

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Rangers + Knights into Phantom – Build & Comp

This composition starts simply enough. Try to get as many high tier level one Knights, as well as Vayne and Varus as possible. Early Fiora for Noble buff to help transition to mid game without losing too much HP is viable, but at level four, having two Knights and two Rangers is just fine.


The most important item to go for in every Ranger composition is Recurve Bow. In a perfect world, players will see many of them come their way, but stocking up enough for a Rapid Fire Cannon and Guinsoo’s Rageblade is enough to get going. Bloodthirsters are also a decent option if there are an excess of BF Swords. Start with items on Vayne.


Come mid game, try and find a high tier Ashe and get her a Rageblade and Spear of Shojin. Stockpiling gold is also important as it will be needed for all of the champion slots one can get.


The final and most important pieces of this comp are a Kindred and a Sejuani. Kindred completes Phantom synergy with Morde, and her ult buys time for the Ranger’s damage to really ramp up. The Sejuani provides excellent frontline and crowd control, as well as giving Ashe Glacial synergy to keep up her perma-stuns.  Extra Frozen Mallets could be looked for to help this cause.


Also, Cho’gath is never a bad option even if he doesn’t have any synergies here. Late game, look to replace Garen or Morde with Kayle or Karthus. With a strong frontline in Sejuani and Cho’gath, one of the early Knights is best replaced with a good late game unit.


The big win condition for Rangers is a strong frontline and Ashe crowd controlling the enemy team while the Rangers output loads of DPS. Kindred ult will buy even more time for the carries to pull the fights out. Be careful of Assassins getting into the backline. Make sure to position the composition all together and try and get the opposite corner as the opponent for a range advantage.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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