Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Recipes and Item Combinations Guide - Magic Game World

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Recipes and Item Combinations Guide

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Recipes and Item Combinations

B.F. Sword

On its own, the B.F. Sword offers up a +20 buff to attack damage, so this is a great item to stick on any champion that’ll be front lining or dealing melee damage. Some good ones to keep in mind are Graves, Kha’zix, or Lucian.


Darius is also a good choice as you can forge a Hextech Gunblade later on if you come across a Needlessly Large Rod though any of the above champions could make good use of that.



Chain Vest

This item will buff your defence by 20, so stick it on a frontliner to make them tankier. Blitzcrank, Garen, and Mordekaiser are good Champions to keep in mind for this.


Another good pick is Leona, who you can kit out with a Locket of the Iron Solari is you find a Needlessly Large Rod later on.



Giant’s Belt

The Giant’s belt, by itself, gives the wearer an extra 200 health points – so put it on any Champion you’re looking to turn into a tank. Mordekaiser, Rek’sai, or Sujuani are good shouts if you’re struggling.


Our pick, however, is Volibear. He already has quite a large health pool, but stick a Titanic Hydra on him when you find a Recurve Bow and watch his damage soar.



Needlessly Large Rod

If you equip the Needlessly Large Rod to a Champion you’ll boost your spell damage by 20%. To that end, think about applying it to Ahri, Anivia, or Aurelion Soul. Another top shout is Varus, who works quite well with a Luden’s Echo.



Negatron Cloak

Before you turn it into anything else, Negatron Cloak buffs your magic resist stat by 20. So think about adding it to Braum or Blitzcrank if you want to build a champion with exceptionally high resistance to magic.


Poppy also works well as you can build her with a Dragon’s Claw, which makes her close to invincible against magic users.



Recurve Bow

The Recurve Bow gives you an additional 20% to your attack speed and is a pretty flexible item – you can’t go wrong if you’re building up any damage or magic dealing character. Keep your eye out for Morgana, Nidalee, or Pyke, if you want some decent options.


A personal favourite of ours is putting this on Ashe, as you can then forge a Statikk Shiv when you find a Tear of the Goddess. When in full flow, this build plays around her strong mana and attack speed stats nicely.




The Spatula is a bit of a peculiar item as it doesn’t offer you any advantages – not at first anyway. One of its primary purposes, however, is giving heroes an additional Origin or Class – meaning that they’ll mesh with others who have that Class or Origin in common, and gain specific buffs as a result. It may seem minor, but the Spatula is a wildcard that can swing a fight.


Apart from that, it can also combine to make other handy items like the Runaan’s Hurricane, which works quite nicely on anyone who builds around physical damage.



Tear of the Goddess

This item adds 20 to your starting mana before it’s combined with something else. It’s a good idea to put this item on magic users who are likely to burn through a lot of, well, mana.


Swain and Tristana are good picks to fill that role, but Varus is the one we opt for, as he has good ability power and mana. Keep an eye out for a Needlessly Large Rod to create a Luden’s Echo for some stiff splash damage.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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