Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Recommended Synergies & Items for Draven - Magic Game World

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Recommended Synergies & Items for Draven

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Recommended Synergies & Items for Draven

Recommended Synergies

– Blademaster, Wild, Noble, Glacial, etc.


Draven is a Blademaster, and it’s not that hard to grab 2 other Blademasters along the way. However, Aatrox is rather squishy and Fiora seemed to have Riposted the devs’ buff. Don’t try too hard to get Blademasters before you get Draven. Using the Blade of the Ruined King (Spatula + Recurve Bow) is also a good way to add more Blademasters to the team.


Wilds usually go well with any synergy. The game (for now) prioritizes attack speed a lot.


It’s extremely hard to get 6 Nobles, but if you get them, your Draven will most likely not die. Even with 3 Nobles, if you’re lucky enough, Draven will get the buff.


If you put a Frozen Mallet (Spatula + Giant’s Belt) on Draven, he’ll turn into a Glacial. Alongside any other Glacial, Draven will start to turn your opponents into ice.


Imperials are good for sure, but with only 2, your Draven will gain the buff only half of the time and it’s nearly impossible to get all 4 of them because Swain is 5-cost and very rare. However, if you activate the full synergy, it’s guaranteed to deliver.



Recommended Items

– Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Rapid Firecannon, Infinity Edge, Bloodthirster, Sword of the Divine, etc.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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