Teamfight Tactics (TFT) - S Tier Yordle Team Comp & Build (9.14b) - Magic Game World

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – S Tier Yordle Team Comp & Build (9.14b)

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S Tier Yordle Team Comp & Build (9.14b)

Champions; Poppy, Gnar, Veigar, Kennen, Tristana, Lucian, Lulu


Yordle evasion buff and a debuffing Tristana make it so that you are extremely hard to kill. Great vs auto-attack based comps and assassins.



When to make:

When you have an early Tristana and see that many people are going ninjas, pick up Lulu early and roll into yordles.




  • Early game: Pick up all the gunslingers, pirates, and yordles you find. This will help you make the right choice on what to specialize. If you decide to play this comp, ditch the pirates and go yordle hunting.


  • Mid game: You need your gunslingers to be strong here while you keep the 3 yordle buff running, so roll for Tristana. Lulu will make sure your units last even longer, and you can comfortably save income and go to 7 to complete the comp.



General tips:

  • On-hit items like Sword Breaker and especially Cursed Blade are insane on gunslingers. That’s why you want to have at least 4 on-hit items split among Trist and Lucian.


  • Red Buff is great because it spreads to all enemies with gunslinger buff and denies healing.


  • If you get Miss Fortune late game and can turn her into a sorcerer, it’s the ultimate completion for this comp.



Ideal items for carries:

  • Tristana (carry #1): Cursed Blade, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Red Buff


  • Lucian (carry #2): Hush, Sword Breaker, Cursed Blade


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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