Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Strategy – How to Win? - Magic Game World

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Strategy – How to Win?

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Strategy – How to Win?

Lose… yes that’s right. The the quick and easy. You accomplish souchore from losing than you do by winning, here let me explain.


You earn gold from being on a losing spree, and you can 100% maintain a losing spree. If you’re lucky and are able to get a lvl2, you hurt yourself further into the game.


By losing, you net yourself extra gold, and secure yourself first pick when the carousel turn comes up. Not only does this let you pick up the champ you want/need it lets you have first dibs on an item such as the golden spatulas.


This will let you have a huge power boost going forward no matter your strategy, and you’ll never be last pick because you lost a bit of health early.


The strongest comps are Glacial and Noble. Both passives can solo carry you through fights.


It comes down to having a carry stacked with really good items.


Going a full assasin comp usually ensures you’ll get 1–3 (technically a win) but 1st place is almost always gonna be a hard stacked Vayne/Lucian/Draven/etc.


If you wanna have some fun, I recommend going assasin and any sub group, elementals/ninja/ is good if you can turn shen/kennen into a ninja and you’ll definitely get 1–3 place, unless they’re also going the same comp and you didn’t get your champs lvl’d up, but that’s just the game.


Remember though, lose early, win the war.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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