Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – The Imperial Guard Team Comp & Build Guide
Articles, Teamfight Tactics /
31 Jul 2019
The Imperial Guard Team Comp & Build Guide
Champions; Leona, Sejuani, Braum, Katarina, Draven, Swain, Darius
With imperial buff, Draven melts enemy frontlines faster than they can kill your CC and HP loaded front line.
When to make:
When you have an early Darius 2, and find good items for Draven early on (lots of Recurve Bows).
- Early game: Really all that matters here is that you have the Garius combo. The third and fourth units just need to be solid enough to get you to mid game.
- Mid game: Here you just want to establish a strong front line and get your Draven online. Feel free to play 4 brawlers while you look for all the your guardians and imperials. Sejuani is always great to have too.
General tips:
- Don’t stress the 4 imperials, you can play 2 brawlers or 2 blademasters till you get your Swain.
- Don’t be afraid to wait out the game and level up then roll if you are aiming to get this comp online since your key units are late game.
- In the early game you can use anyone, but ideally Vayne or Tristana, to carry your Draven items until you are ready to make the switch
Ideal items for carries:
- Draven: Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Rapid Firecannon, Bloodthirster
- Swain: Dragon’s Claw