Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Varus Grand Magus Team Comp & Build (9.13 Best Build) - Magic Game World

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Varus Grand Magus Team Comp & Build (9.13 Best Build)

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Varus Grand Magus Team Comp & Build (9.13 Best Build)

Champions: Morgana, Ahri, Veigar, Lulu, Aurelion Sol, Kassadin, Varius


Varus rank 2 will hit for 1500 damage with just 6 sorcs and a Rabadon. Add a Seraph’s Embrace so that he can cast his ult faster. The demon passive really makes up for the lack of pure frontline, it’s very hard for the enemy CC to go off.



When to make:

If you get an early Varus rank 2 while having several AP and mana items, just go for it. This is especially true if you find an early Morgana and rank 2 Kassadin.




  • Early game: Kassadin is the key at the start, your other units are just to keep you from losing too much damage early. If you can get Lulu and Morgana, put the Locket on Morgana and you should have a swell time. Find a DPS carry like Nidalee to hold a Guinsoo’s if you can.


  • Mid game:  Here you are just holding out until you can reach your final build. Try to get to level 7 and start transitioning into 6 sorc+1 frontliner. You can make Brand into a sorcerer with Yuumi and remove Kassadin/Ahri/Twisted Fate since Brand is a demon and mana drain is strong against popular CC units like Cho and Sejuani.



General tips:

  • Prioritize Rabadon and Seraph’s Embrace over Lockets of the Iron Solari.


  • Feel free to use Varus with ranger synergy until you can assemble the sorcerors you need and prioritize demons to get mana burn early.


  • If you can get a Karthus rank 2 in the late game, sell your Varus and give him all your items.



Ideal items for carries:

  • Varus (carry #1): Seraph’s Embrace, Rabadon’s Deathcap


  • Morgana (carry #2): Locket of the Iron Solari x3


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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