Teamfight Tactics (TFT) - Very Strong Champions Pick - Magic Game World

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Very Strong Champions Pick

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Very Strong Champions Pick

These champions are great additions if you build correctly around them:


  • Ahri (Wild/Sorcerer)


  • Darius (Imperial/Knight)


  • Garen (Noble/Knight)


  • Kassadin (Void/Sorcerer)


  • Kindred (Phantom/Ranger)


  • Lissandra (Glacial/Elementalist)


  • Lucian (Noble/Gunslinger)


  • Lulu (Yordle/Sorcerer)


  • Nidalee (Wild/Shapeshifter)


  • Shen (Ninja/Blademaster)


  • Shyvana (Dragon/Shapeshifter)


  • Vayne (Noble/Ranger)


  • Varus (Demon/Ranger)


  • Yasuo (Exile/Blademaster)



Stack Shen with a few items, position him correctly and he can keep members of your team alive for alive for a very long time. We’d say he’s a very strong frontline pick, but he’s lacking in the synergy department. It’s much easier to make Wild or Sorcerer work with Warwick or Kassadin, for example. Shen’s a Ninja, Blademaster which is a bit “niche”, so to speak.



Before picking up Shyvana, you’ll want to reach some set requirements. First, you’ll want to hit tier two or she’ll die in seconds. You’ll also want to slot her in to either max out the Dragon bonus or Shapeshifter bonus, preferably the latter. On another note, think of her as more of a bruiser than a tank. Your ultimate aim is to position her so she can transform and start dealing some strong damage numbers.



Lulu’s a firm favourite of ours, especially if you’re running a slightly vulnerable Sorcerers composition. She provides decent CC, but it’s the sustain she brings to the table which can transform your fragile backline into a beefy unit, or your frontline into an impenetrable wall.



Kassadin’s a great frontliner who burns enemy mana with each auto-attack. Give him some items which’ll beef him up and he’ll give your team ample room to breathe.



Kindred’s expensive and doesn’t deal as much damage as you’d expect for such a high cost champion, so why are they so high up? Well, stick them in the middle of your team and their invulnerability field can be enough to completely swing a fight in your favour.



Nidalee is a solid all-rounder, with great sustain and damage output. She’s also cheap and contributes to the strong Shapeshifter/Wild combo too. Equip her with Rapid Firecannon, Spear of Shojin and The Bloodthirster and she’ll be unstoppable.



Garen and Darius are decent early game pickups as they’re easy to upgrade and offer decent bang for your buck. You’ll likely want to swap them out in the late game, but they’re value in the early game is unrivalled.



Varus, Vayne and Lucian are easy to come by and can easily transform into carries if you stack them with items. They’ll need protection, though.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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