Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Void/Assassin Team Comp & Build - Magic Game World

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Void/Assassin Team Comp & Build

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Void/Assassin Team Comp & Build

Void Assassin comps are one of my personal favorites due to the design of assassins in TFT. They use stealth at the beginning of the fight, causing the enemy composition to run towards the non-stealthed targets and allow your assassins to jump into the enemy backline which is extremely powerful. This strategy I feel like is one of the most consistent to place top 3, if not flat out win games if you high roll items or units. You might find it rough due to the inconsistent AI right now and sometimes enemy backlines will not walk forward towards your non stealthed targets, but for the most part this will not matter until later in the game where you should be in a fairly solid position anyway.



The units:

  •  -Kassadin, Reksai, Khazix, Zed, Pyke, Rengar, Evelynn, Katarina
    • (Chogath can later on in the game replace Kassadin or Reksai)
    • (Akali 2 star can later replace Zed, if he’s only 2 star)


Early game you want to be securing as many Khazix and  Kassadins as possible, while trying to secure at least one ReksaiPyke, and ZedPyke is the first of the two cost units you want to prioritize getting to level 2.



Important: The correct items are extremely important for this composition. You want to prioritize two Spear of Shojin’s over everything else and have them on a Pyke (optimally Pyke 2-star), even from the first carousel you want either a B.F. Sword or a Tear. Until he gets nerfed (and perhaps still after he gets nerfed), he will be the most valuable unit on your team, complemented by the extremely high damage output of the rest of your comp.



This comp has two/three points in the game where it power spikes extremely hard.



The first power spike if when you get to level 5 and have 3 voids/3 assassins. Your units will need to specifically beKassadin, Reksai, Khazix, Pyke, and Zed. If you can’t find Zed, adding in another assassin is fine.



The second power spike is whenever you managed to find your second Spear of Shojin for PykePyke with double Spear will auto-attack once, stun, and then only have to auto-attack exactly two times before ulting again, stunning multiple targets for 3 seconds (at 2-star Pyke). I’m convinced that this is the most powerful thing in the game currently until it gets nerfed.



At this point (usually when you have a tier 3 Khazix and a tier 2 Pyke, even if he doesn’t have double Spear yet) you should be pretty strong, and strong enough to keep constantly leveling (while not dropping under 50 gold) to level from 5 to 8 pretty quickly. When you get to 8 you throw in your other assassins (you don’t need to worry too much about getting them to two stars quickly) as long as you have them, the 6 assassin buff should be able to carry you for a while until you have the chance to two star them. I would also consider replacing a 2-star Zed for a 2-star Akali if you have a couple of extra items for her. She does well with both offensive and defensive items IMO.



If you’re fortunate enough to come across a Force of Nature, you’ll never need to level past level 7, but instead can prioritize finding upgrades to your units because that will benefit you more than leveling up further. Because the 3 Void/6 Assassins are, the vast majority of the time, all you need with this composition to win.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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