Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Void Ninja Assassins Team Comp & Build
Articles, Teamfight Tactics /
05 Jul 2019
Void Ninja Assassins Team Comp & Build
Team comp description:
Void lowers the armor of your opponents and Kha’zix is a great way to start your game and transition into all that late game assassin damage.
Start with assassins + void and add ninjas until you find Akali. You don’t need 3-star units in this composition and you’re free to level to 6 or 7. When you have spare gold, look to upgrade your entire comp to 2 stars.
General tips:
- Pyke is very strong early on, so grab him as soon as you can and get him a Spear of Shojin. This will easily carry you until you find Akali.
- Kha’zix is no slouch either, so feel free to put items on him that you wouldn’t give to your other carries. Frozen Heart is great because it slows down enemy carries, and Sword Breaker does well too as it lowers decreases enemy damage output.
Ideal items for carries:
- Akali (carry #1): Dragon’s Claw or Phantom Dancer, Hextech Gunblade, Rabadon’s Deathcap, and even potentially Guardian Angel
- Pyke (carry #2): Spear of Shojin x2 (likely to be nerfed)