Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – What about Pirates?
Articles, Teamfight Tactics /
07 Jul 2019
What about Pirates?
Pirates suck.
I mean, uh… Yeah Pirates can give you gold and help with your economy, but the pirates in the game are hard to win with for several reasons:
- -Since Miss Fortune is a Tier 5, for most practical purposes, the only way you can get the Origin bonus is running Gangplank, Graves, and Pyke
- -The only synergy amongst these three is the Gunslinger bonus, which is a bit on the weaker side
- -You’re also running a weaker army composition for the extra gold, but the extra gold isn’t even guaranteed
- -Not that it’s really a downside, but a reminder that you also have to manually collect the pirate gold — a chest spawns after each round on the map
- -It isn’t suggested to run pirates at the moment — of course, this is entirely based off the game’s numbers and balance in the PBE, and maybe on release they’ll be stronger. They would have to add either an additional pirate or change the way the origin bonus works for it to be work it though.