Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Wild / Shapeshifter / Sorcerers Team Comp & Build - Magic Game World

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) – Wild / Shapeshifter / Sorcerers Team Comp & Build

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Wild / Shapeshifter / Sorcerers Team Comp & Build

Units: Nidalee (1), Warwick (1), Ahri (2), Lulu (2), Rengar (3), Shyvana (3), Gnar (4), Aurelion Sol (4)


This comp has many win conditions. It’s fairly easy to build and it has a decent to strong early game. Acquiring and leveling up both your Nidalee and Warwick comes naturally, and you should have the means to deal a considerable amount of damage. You can combine your tier-one units with a tanky frontline, such as Garen (1) or Darius (1). They can be sold later in the game, but for the time being, they should help your win streak.


When this comp comes into full effect, it’s extremely deadly. Two of your strongest units are Gnar and Aurelion Sol. It might be hard to find Gnar due to his high cost, but there’s nothing wrong with substituting Rengar momentarily.


Once you have the full set of Shapeshifters, including Nidalee, Shyvana, and Gnar, you’ll have one of the best hybrid tank/damage combinations in the game. When Shyvana and Gnar shapeshift, they’ll transform into unstoppable tanks with strong damage potential and CC. Gnar’s ult, in particular, is game-changing. RNG comes into play, but you’ll often stun your enemy’s entire team, allowing for your Sorcerers to clean up. If you combine your tanks with Phantom Dancers or even Dragon Claws, they’ll be almost impossible to kill.


The full set of Sorcerers should include Ahri, Lulu, and Aurelion Sol. You’ll have a balanced combination of high damage from Ahri and Aurelion Sol, as well as CC and survivability from Lulu’s ult. It’s great for propping up your Shapeshifted Gnar and Shyvana.


In the late stages of the game, Aurelion Sol will have the Dragon buff, as well as an increase in spell power from your Sorcerers. His ult deals insane AoE damage and if you can get him to cast a couple of times, he should blow up your enemy’s force. To make him even stronger, add a Spear of Shojin and some attack speed in the form of Guinsoo’s Rageblade and/or Rapidcannon, and he’ll be able to cast multiple times. This is all while he’s comfortably protected by your tanky frontline, his magic immunity, and potentially Lulu’s ultimate.


If you reach past this point and you have room to spare on your board, Veigar is a solid option. He’s a weak unit unless he’s upgraded, but the Yordle synergy can come in handy. It’s just recently been buffed and a 25 percent miss chance against Lulu and especially Gnar is worthwhile.


This comp is flexible, easy to build, and most importantly, strong. It has a mixture of variables that allow it to thrive and it can be shaped to your preference. If everything goes south, there’s nothing wrong with pivoting and swapping to another comp. If you’re sensible and you play the economy game, though, winning will come naturally.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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