Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge Cheats
Cheats, Articles, Misc. Guides /
18 Jan 2022
All Collectibles
There are various types of collectibles in the game. Here’s a video that shows you how to find every collectible in the game.
Please keep in mind that there are no collectibles in some of the game’s episodes. These are the episodes in question:
- Episode 03 – Mutants Over Broadway,
- Episode 08 – Panic In The Sky!
- Episode 16 – Wrath Of The Lady
All Endings
There are 7 endings (7 characters) that can be unlocked:
1. Leonardo
2. Michelangelo
3. Raphael
4. Donatello
5. April O’Neil
6. Splinter
7. Casey Jones