Terminator: Resistance – Xbox One Controls
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Terminator: Resistance /
16 Nov 2019
The image shows you exactly what the key bindings for the Xbox One controller are. These do not vary if you use the Controller with your PC.
You can customise the key bindings in the options menu. Simply navigate to Options > Controls from the main menu of the game.
Xbox Controller Bindings
- LT: Aim
- RT: Shoot
- LB: Weapon selection
- RB: Throw offensive item
- Y: Heal (hold)/Melee attack
- B: Crouch
- X: Reload/Interact
- A: Jump
- L: Sprint
- R: Detective mode
- D-Pad Up: Inventory
- D-Pad Left: Change defensive item
- D-Pad Right: Change offensive item
- D-Pad Down: Flashlight (hold)/Next Weapon
- Menu Button: Pause game
- View Button: Map