Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown PC Keyboard Controls Guide
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
14 Feb 2024
So if you’re ready to conquer the sprawling landscapes of Hong Kong Island in Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown, we’ve got some good news for all you keyboard warriors. We’ve listed all the default keyboard controls to help you navigate bustling streets, weave through treacherous mountain roads, and dominate the racing scene. Below you’ll also find a video reference that showcases all the default PC settings for game controls, graphics & much more.
All PC Settings
PC Keyboard Controls & Default Key Bindings
- Radial menu: Alt
- Quick snapshot: –
- Photo Mode: P
- Radial menu shortcut 1: 1
- Radial menu shortcut 2: 2
- Radial menu shortcut 3: 3
- Radial menu shortcut 4: 4
- Radial menu shortcut 5: 5
- Radial menu shortcut 6: 6
- Radial menu shortcut 7: 7
- Radial menu shortcut 8: 8
- Map: TAB
- Open main menu: Esc
- Voice chat: V
- Accelerate: W
- Brake: S
- Clutch: –
- Steer left: A
- Steer right: D
- Handbrake: Space
- Respawn: R
- Next view: C
- Look up: 8
- Rear view: 5
- Look left: 4
- Look right: 6
- Instant Challenge: Ctrl
- Honk: H
- Previous category: Mouse Wheel Down
- Next category: Mosue Wheel Up
- Cash in FRIM: F
- Move forward: W
- Move backward: S
- Move left: A
- Move right: D
- Run: Shift
- Crouch: C
- Stand on tiptoes: Z
- Interact: E