The Biggest Differences Between Dominions 5 and Dominions 6 Explained - Magic Game World

The Biggest Differences Between Dominions 5 and Dominions 6 Explained

The Biggest Differences Between Dominions 5 and Dominions 6 Explained

Dominions 6 has rolled out a bunch of cool new changes compared to Dominions 5. I’ve put together a list of the key updates in the game’s rules and mechanics for anyone who’s already got the hang of Dominions 5. Check it out, it might help you get up to speed with Dominions 6.



Dominions 6 Updates: Here’s the Rundown

New Magic Path – Glamour:

There’s a fresh magic path called Glamour, it’s all about illusions, dreams, & luck… pretty interesting, huh? It fits nicely alongside the other sorcery paths.


Blood Magic? It’s not part of sorcery anymore but stands as its own unique path, adding a new layer to your strategy.



Mounts with Separate Stats:

In Dominions 6, mounts have their own stats, different from the riders. In battles, you can hit either the rider, the mount, or both if you’re using an area effect attack…


If the mount is taken out, the rider can keep fighting on foot. Plus, there are mounts like elephants that can carry multiple riders & others designed for just one.



Dynamic Battlefields:

The battlefields now have obstacles like bushes, rocks & other stuff… each with unique stats. Big monsters can bulldoze through, while smaller units might have to maneuver around.



Targeted Assassinations:

Assassinations now occur in locations that fit the target’s lifestyle… Think a mage in a library & a commander in a tavern? Bystanders might get involved too.



The Map’s All Mysterious Now:

You start with the map all hidden, so you gotta explore to find out what’s out there. Makes things a bit more adventurous, you know?



Multiple Planes to Conquer:

The game’s not just on one plane anymore. There are multiple planes to discover and conquer, bringing a new dimension to the gameplay.



Terrain That Changes:

Provinces can change their terrain now… It’s rare, but it happens, especially under strong Dominion influences or certain high-level rituals.



Legendary Spells for the Taking:

When you hit Research level 9, you unlock legendary spells. They’re super powerful but you can only research one at a time… so choose wisely.



Extreme Dominion Scales:

Before, Pretender Gods picked Dominion Scale values between -2 & 2… Now some can go up to 4 or 5, known as extreme scales. These come with special, not always positive effects.



Bigger and Better Battles:

Everything in Dominions 6 is bigger. There’s about 50% more in terms of populations & armies for more epic battles. And of course, there are lots of new nations, monsters, magic items, spells, magic sites, bless effects & random events that weren’t in Dominions 5.


So there you have it… Dominions 6 is shaking things up big time. Get ready for a whole new level of strategy & chaos!!


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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