The Crew 2 Cheats - Magic Game World

The Crew 2 Cheats

EC676B5D 983A 4EA2 8355 F11E8CDD2A2E

Alien UFO Easter Egg Location – Area 51

To find Area 51, travel down to the Mountain States region. The base is right on the edge of the Mojave Desert, right as you enter the Western Shrub-Steppes.


One way to find the base is to start at the “Western Shrub-Steppes” title on the map and travel southeast. The big silver UFO is walled-off inside the army base.


There doesn’t seem to be any easy way inside, but the UFO is clearly visible through the fences. Go into first-person view and look through the uncovered exterior to get a good look at this alien oddity.


17364D08 0C50 4AD2 8862 F42A253A3B18

EC685875 1555 4C01 B840 8E95CAADEAEA

AE45ACDC 3B30 42DA BE93 1E34A2EBCB12


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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