The Curse of Monkey Island - Cheats Codes & Secrets Guide - Magic Game World

The Curse of Monkey Island – Cheats Codes & Secrets Guide

The Curse of Monkey Island - Cheats Codes & Secrets Guide


  • Instant Win At Any Time = Hold Shift+W


  • Unlimited Cannonballs in 1st Section = Type LAPOSTAL


  • Win Ship Combat Easily = Press Shift+V then Y



Walk out of quicksand

On hard mode, use the paste with the skeleton arm and then click in the top left-hand corner. Guybrush will just walk out of the quicksand. You still need to exit the area by doing the regular vine puzzle though



A revisit to Monkey Island 1

On Blood Island Beach, use the “Use” command about 25-30 times. Guybrush will walk down in the water and he will see himself from Monkey Island 1 when he drowned in the water.



Holiday Greetings!

  • If you start a new game on January 1st you will have a New Year’s greeting.


  • If you start a new game on December 25th you will have a Christmas greeting.



Revis Monkey Island 1 part 2!

When you are finally locked inside the family’s crypt with the ghost, you can revisit Melee Island from Secret of Monkey Island. Look around on the back wall for some vines. Use the vines, and Guybrush will climb the vines, and stick his head out in the forest of Melee Island! If you played Secret of Monkey Island, you will recognize the forest. Guybrush also says that something is coming, so watch out!



Lightsaber sounds during Rottingham Duel

During the ship-to-ship combat sequence press Shift-J. Now during the swordfight with Rottingham Star Wars lightsaber sounds will replace the regular sword-fighting sounds.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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