The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Nirnroot Locations Guide - Magic Game World

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion – Nirnroot Locations Guide

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Nirnroot Locations

Start at Brena River north of Anvil; you will see an inlet that curves in before turning into a river to head east. Start searching for Nirnroot there and work your way south on the outer shoreline. You should pick up 15 Nirnroot Plants here alone—the last one being on the island little ways up The Serid River.


East of Kvatch, the road will go north and then turn to the east, head north off the path, and you will find a lake with a Nirnroot at its edge.


Northeast of Kvatch, you will find a settlement called Shardrock; next to this settlement is a pond with two Nirnroot.


West of Chorrol, head along The Black Road, and you will come to a lake about three-fourths of the way up the road with a Nirnroot by it. Near the dock, just off the path.


On the northern road of Skingrad that wraps around the cities northern side. You will see a pond on the west side of the path; search the tall plants for the Nirnroot.


Northeast of Skingrad at Shadeleaf Copse, you will find three Nirnroot located around the lake; Sinderion will mark it on your map when you talk to him.


Head south of Leyawiin on the west coast and go all the way south on the shore to reach the section that won’t let you go any more south. Turn back around and head up along the coast to grab all the Nirnroot along the way. Remember to head into the river inlets around the edge. Go north up and around the Imperial City and then make your way back down to the east coast near Leyawiin. You should get around 40 by the time you reach the long bridge crossing the southeast river towards The Yellow Road on the west bank alone.


Continuing from the above spot on the west bank, continue to wrap around the outer still wrap around the outer edge of the lake and then go around the shore of the island holding the Imperial City itself. You should find around 35 Nirnroot along the way.


From the large bridge that crosses towards The Yellow Road, head along the shore to the south and go up all the rivers along the way to collect more Nirnroot. You should be able to find at least 45 Nirnroot.


Head down the road south of the Imperial City called The Green Road leading to Bravil through the Great Forest. Once you reach Charcoal Cave at the top of the waterfall, cross the bridge and turn left, looking at the rocks for a plant called a Sprig of Nirnroot.


Head into Bravil, cross the eastern bridge towards the castle, and go along the castle wall to the southwest corner to find another Nirnroot.


In Bravil, head to the south wall and go behind the house for sale. Along this back wall in the southeast corner just before the cliff is a Nirnroot plant.


In the Smuggler’s Cave in Anvil. Enter the wooden door from the cove, turn north, and search near the water’s edge.


On the way to get the Arrow of Extrication, you will come across a small shallow water area after the deep pool; on the edge of this shallow water area is a Nirnroot to grab.


In the captain’s quarters on the pirate ship in the Waterfront at the Imperial City is a Nirnroot on the captain’s dining room table.


At the end of the dock to the east by the pirate ship near the water is a Nirnroot just sitting there.


Go to Leafrot Cave just north of Panther River’s middle branch, northeast of Leyawiin. Check along the northwest side of the pond right next to the left side of the large boulders for a Nirnroot.


Outside Leyawiin along the north wall, west side of the river running past, a Nirnroot will be next to some rocks.


On the east side of the river, south of the Old Bridge, south of the Imperial City, is a Nirnroot.


On the bottom floor of the tower of Fort Redman, without entering the actual fort, look behind the ruins stone stairs to find a Nirnroot growing back here.


In Anvil, on the east side of the mermaid statue near the water, is a Nirnoroot.


Inside your bedroom at Frostcrag Spire add-on is a garden next to the rock on the right.


At the dock northwest of Weye, just outside the Imperial City at Lake Rumare.


In Chorrol enter the house of Vilena Donton and head up to the third floor; next to the bed is a flower pot with a Nirnroot inside.


North west of Amellions Tomb by the large tree is a Nirnroot.


In Leyawiin, on the second-floor walkway of the Blackwood Company Hall, there is a pot on a small table with a Nirnroot in it.


In Leyawiin, in Jeetum Ze’s Room in the Blackwood Company Hall, you will find a Nirnroot near the south wall on the dresser.


In Cheydinhal, during your recommendation, you have to go into the well under the water. Go the opposite way from where Vidkun’s body is, and you will find a Nirnroot on the ground at the dead end. Nothing is in the water to attack you.


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