The Elder Scrolls: Legends - Battlemage Soul Gem Farming Guide - Magic Game World

The Elder Scrolls: Legends – Battlemage Soul Gem Farming Guide


What is Soul Gem Farming?

In the Practice Mode you get 15 Soul Gems for every win against Expert AI. Per day you can get up to 300 Soul Gems (20 Wins). The goal of the following deck is to finish a game as fast as possible in order to farm Soul Gems.






* You should put low damage cards like Sharpshooter Scout or Nord Firebrand in the Field Lane to split up your opponent’s defenses and keep your Shadow Lane clear.


* Use Bone Bow on guarded minions!


* Getting a Bog Lurcher out on Turn 3 or 4 is an almost guaranteed 9 damage on the following turn. Putting an Assassin Bow on it before you attack often guarantees another attack on the next turn.


* Remember: FACE IS THE PLACE!


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