The Elder Scrolls Online – Xbox One Controls
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, The Elder Scrolls /
18 Mar 2019
Here is the control scheme to the Xbox One version of The Elder Scrolls Online:
Xbox Controller Bindings
- LB + RB: Ultimate
- LT: Block
- RT: Attack
- LT + RT: Interrupt
- LB: Ability 4
- RB: Ability 5
- Y: Ability 2
- X: Ability 1
- B: Ability 3
- A: Interact/Jump
- Left Stick (Press): Sprint
- Left Stick (Hold): Roll Dodge
- Right Stick: Toggle Camera
- Right Stick (Press): Crouch
- View Button: Map
- D-Pad Up: Quickslot Menu
- D-Pad Right: Cycle Quest
- D-Pad Left: Weapon Swap
- D-Pad Left (Hold): Sheathe
- Y + B: Use Synergy
- LT + A: Roll Dodge