The Genesis Project Cheats & Console Commands
Cheats, Articles, Misc. Guides /
01 Jan 2022
You can enter cheat codes in the game’s chatbox. Type /help in-game to see a complete list of console commands.
Cheat Commands
- /fly – Lets you fly
- /spawn (Mobs/Items name) (amount) – Spawn Mobs
- /home – Teleports you to home
- /xp (amount) – Adds the specified number of experience points to the player
Item ID List
- /item (Item ID) – In the admin console, type this command to receive an item in-game. Example: /Item AAABttry gives you battery.
- Dutton Photo: ?0YFY90!
- Rat Poison: 0!Dierat
- Perfectly Generic Object: 00000000
- Battery: AAABttry
- Nails: aGgrw6ul
- Apple Juice: ApplJuic
- Problem Sleuth Poster: BoilHard
- Con Air Bunny: BunnyBun
- Dead Bee: BuzzDead
- Sburb Disc: CD000000
- Crockermate: CrckrMte
- Baking Mix: CrockMix
- Lamp: dSkL4mP
- Bass Guitar: DaBassss
- Dapper Squiddle: DapprSqd
- Dead Cat: DeadCatB
- Dead Cat: DeadCatW
- Dead Bird: DedBirdB
- Dead Bird: DedBirdW
- Pogo: DQMmJLeK
- Drumstick: DrumStik
- Duttle: e0Y7280s
- Egg: Eggclnt!
- Squiddle: eLldIuqs
- Faygo: Faygoooo
- Fine China: Finaware
- Campfire: FireFire
- Pure Art: FlmngStd
- Gushers: FruitGum
- Hot God: HotGoddd
- Jojofield: JojoCat!
- Failure to Launch poster: l4uNchF2
- Laptop: LaLapt0p
- Garfield Plush: LasagCat
- Model Rocket: MdlRockt
- Note: Nooo!!te
- PDA: PeeDeeAy
- Pogomate: Pogomate
- Pussgo: Pogopuss
- Duttab: ProphTaB
- Piece of Uranium: radiatio
- Ice Cube: RWeThrYt
- Hella Bunny: SBaHJBun
- Scalemate: ScaleMt1
- Scalemate: ScaleMt2
- Shaving Cream: ShaveCrm
- SBAHJ poster: SordSwHa
- Squiddle Lunch Box: SqdLunch
- Documents: SternCmp
- Document: SternDoc
- Sock Puppet: StntCAbb
- Smoke Pellets: StntSm0c
- Hiveswap CD: SW4PP3D!
- Tab: Tab00000
- Tumbleweed: TmblWeed
- Vile Smut: Vile0000
- Velvet Pillow: VlvtPllw
- Dutton’s Poetry Collection: VryDtnBk
- Armcake: Vtntz?bl
- Hammerhead Pogo: zxN?pNhM
Energy Item IDs
- Cruxite Apple: EntryApp
- Cruxite Bec Pinata: EntryBec
- Cruxite Bottle: EntryBtl
- Cruxite Egg: EntryEgg
- Cruxite GCat Pinata: EntryCat
- Cruxite Happle: EntryApl
- Cruxite Orange: EntryOrg
- Cruxite Pinata: EntryDnk