THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD: Remake: Xbox One Cheat Codes - Magic Game World

THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD: Remake: Xbox One Cheat Codes

THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD: Remake: Xbox One Cheat Codes

The resurrection of a Sega classic demonstrates that the zombie shooting genre never gets old. The House of the Dead is a timeless classic, and the remake’s greatly improved visuals and gore are causing a stir among fans.


Although the lack of a good story and janky controls are disappointing, the constant zombie-killing more than makes up for it. With these Xbox One cheat codes, you can unleash your rage on mindless zombies in The House of the Dead Remake.



Xbox One Cheat Codes for The House of the Dead: Remake

  • You can activate the cheats from any of the following screens: New Campaign, Leaderboards, Statistics, Options, and the Gallery.


  • Note that cheat codes don’t disable achievements. They remain unlocked once you’ve achieved them, and you can unlock more, even if any cheats are already active.


Here is a list of all the Xbox One cheat codes currently available in the game.


The number of achievements required to use the cheat code Cheat Description Cheat Codes for Xbox One
8 Unlimited Ammo LB, RB, LB, RB, A, A
16 One-Shot Kill / Insta-Kill D-Pad Left, D-Pad Up, D-Pad Right, D-Pad Down, A, A
24 All Weapons Unlocked A, A, B, B, LB, RB
32 Free Play Up, Up, Up, RB
40 Invincible D-Pad Left, D-Pad Right, D-Pad Left, D-Pad Right, A, A


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