The Legion TD 2 Console Commands
Articles, Misc. Guides /
27 Nov 2017
General Commands
You can use these in-game at any time.
- help: Displays command info
- value: Displays fighter value
- next: Displays information about the next wave
- info X: Displays information about wave X
- pierce, -impact, -magic, -pure: Displays information about an attack type
- swift, -natural, -arcane, -fortified, -immaterial: Displays information about a defense type
- ranged, -air, -boss, -miniboss: Displays information about a special wave type
Debug Commands
You can only use these when -debug mode is enabled.
- debug: Enable debug mode (below commands)
- builder X: Changes your builder to X (where X is 0, 1, 2, or 3)
- greedisgood: Gives you 10k gold, 10k mythium, 100 supply and resets merc timers
- gold X: Gives you X gold
- mythium X: Gives you X mythium
- supply X: Gives you X supply
- maphack: Reveals the map for you (cannot be undone)
- clear: Clears the wave
- clearwest: Clears the wave (West only)
- cleareast: Clears the wave (East only)
- heal: Heals both kings
- healeast: Heals the east king
- healwest: Heals the west king
- autoheal: Automatically heals kings when they are low
- wave X: Sets the wave to X
- reset X: Resets the wave, removing towers, resetting income/workers, and giving you gold equal to what you would get for clearing waves before that.
- start: Starts the wave immediately
- open X: Opens slot X for spawns
- close X: Closes slot X for spawns
- buildall: Allows building everywhere on the map (useful for testing multiple builds at once)