The Settlers 3 PC Controls & Hotkeys
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
02 Feb 2021
Check out this handy guide for all the default keyboard shortcuts and hotkeys for the timeless RTS classic, The Settlers 3. We know lots of you are still enjoying this gem even 25 years after its release, so we put together this quick refresher to help you remember what each key does in the game.
Keyboard Shortcuts & Hotkeys
Screen Resolutions
- F1: Sets resolution to 640×480.
- F2: Changes resolution to 800×600.
- F3: Adjusts resolution to 1024×768.
Chat Commands
- F5: Chat with all players.
- F6: Chat with allies only.
Gameplay Adjustments
- F9: Skip 1 minute (single player only).
- –: Lower sound effects.
- +: Increase sound effects.
- P: Pause the game.
Game Exit and Chat
- Esc: Exit game.
- Return key: Enter chat mode, send messages.
Movement Controls
- Arrow keys: Move the camera.
Selecting and Moving Units
- LMB: Select/deselect units.
- RMB: Move units.
- SHIFT + LMB: Add units to selection.
- ALT + LMB: Select all similar units nearby.
- CTRL + LMB: Select all units nearby.
- TAB: Cycle through selected groups.
Grouping and Commands
- ALT + 1-9: Assign units to groups.
- 1-9: Select and center on group.
Special Movement Commands
- CTRL + RMB: Move without engaging enemies.
- SHIFT + RMB: Set multiple waypoints.
- ALT + RMB: Patrol between two points.
Menu Shortcuts
- Q, W, E, R: Access Building menu.
- A, S, D, F: Access Goods menu.
- Z, X, C, V: Access Settlers menu.