The Sims 2 Legacy Collection Cheats: Unlimited Money, Aging Control, and Must-Know Hacks
Ahh, The Sims 2… the game that has given us the ability to sculpt fabulously chaotic virtual lives for years now. Whether you’re strolling down memory lane or diving into the Legacy Collection for the first time, cheats are where the chaos—and fun—truly begin. Looking for unlimited riches?? Tired of Sims growing up at unreasonable rates? This is your entrance into turning this game into an arena of complete and utter chaos — or perfectly tailored order.
Opening the Cheat Console
In-game, press Ctrl + Shift + C, type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true and press Enter. This lifts the usual restrictions that block many of the powerful tweaks.
Money Cheats
Be a Simoleon tycoon:
- motherlode – Pumps in 50,000 Simoleons instantly.
- kaching – For minor indulgence: 1,000 Simoleons instantly…
- familyFunds [FamilyName] [+/-][Amount] – Set the exact balance or adjust funds.
Aging Control
Time stands still, Pets Edition included:
- aging off – Make all Sims cease aging.
- agesimscheat on – On/off Aging on/off on per-sim
- disablePuppyKittenAging on – Pets are kept in that mischievous, pint-sized forever phase of their life cycle.
World-Bending Cheats
Bend lots and neighborhoods to your whim:
- changeLotZoning [Type] – Transform a home into a secretive after-dark nightclub or an out-of-the-way relaxing spa retreat.
- modifyNeighborhoodTerrain on – Build mountain ranges, form any-size lake, or flatten all land features.
- setLotLightingFile [Filename] – Spook up the ‘hood with custom lighting, romance it up with warm hues.
Advanced Tweaks
Unlocked by boolprop testingcheatsenabled true
- Drag needs/moods up or down (click and hold a sim’s need bar).
- setQuarterTilePlacement on – Get precise object placement.
Aspiration & Mood Hacks
Take absolute control of your Sims’ desires and moods:
- aspirationLevel 0-5 – A setting ranging from “utter despair” to “eternal contentment”.
- aspirationPoints [Amount] – Skip the tedious aspiration grind.
- motiveDecay off – Get rid of hunger, fatigue and other annoying things.
Secret Fun Cheats
For those who love a bit of anarchy:
- force twins – Twice the babies, twice the chaos.
- clearLotClassValue – This will reset a lot’s classification and is very useful for when those pesky glitches just won’t go away.
- unlockCareerRewards – Automatically receive all objects specific to your career.
Visual Filters
Give your game a unique look:
- bloom [R G B X] – Add a warm, cinematic bloom.
- vignette [centerX centerY X] – Add a subtle blur around the edges of the screen.
- filmGrain [X] – Add a nostalgic, film-like texture to the visuals.