The Sims 4 Island Living PC Keyboard Controls & Hotkeys
Sim/Household Controls
Switch to next Sim in Household: (Space or N)
Switch to Specific Sim: (Click Sim portrait)
Lock Camera to Sim: (Right-Click Sim portrait)
Center Camera on active Sim: (Enter)
Time Controls
Pause Game: (P or 0 or ‘)
Regular/Fast/Ultra Speed: (1/2/3)
Camera Movement
Move left/right: (Arrow Left/Right or A/D)
Move forward/back: (Arrow UP/Down or W/S)
Move Faster: (Hold Shift + Camera Mov’t)
Zoom in/out: (Z/X or +/-)
Toggle Map Mode: (M)
General Controls
Undo/Redo: (Ctrl+Z / Ctrl+V)
Cancel: (Esc)
Toggle Cheat Window: (Ctrl + Shift + C)
Object Placement Tools
Rotate Object: (,/. – one object select)
Delete Object: (Del or Backspace)
Off Grid Placement: (Alt – while holding object)
Off Angle Placement: (Alt – while rotating object)
Move to Slot: (M)
Eyedropper Tool (toggle): E
Hand Tool: H
Sledgehammer Tool (toggle): K
Design Tool (toggle): R
Wall Tool: B
Toggles Day/Night in B/B: L
Allow off-grid placement while dragging around an object: Alt
Toggle Grid: G
Cycle Between 1/2 tile and 1/4 tile grid snapping for object placement: F5
Flood Fill a single wall while placing wall patterns: Alt
Flood Fill floor & wall paint while placing floor or wall patterns: Shift
Toggle to 1/4 tile floor paint while placing floor tile patterns: Ctrl + F
Reduce Terrain Brush Size while Terrain Paint catalog is open: [
Increase Terrain Brush Size while Terrain Paint catalog is open: ]
Move Terrain Brush Softness Slider to the Left while Terrain Paint catalog is open: ;
Move Terrain Brush Softness Slider to the Right while Terrain Paint catalog is open: ‘
Toggle Terrain Paint/Eraser while Terrain Paint catalog is open: Ctrl
Move Whole House tool: U
Toggle Video Recording: V
Capture Screenshot: C
Toggle Top Down View: T
Go to Next Floor Up: Page Up
Go to Next Floor Down: Page Down
Walls Up: Home
Walls Down: End