This Is the Police 2 – Officer Equipment Guide - Magic Game World

This Is the Police 2 – Officer Equipment Guide


Nightstick / baton / billyclub – A simple tool used to beat criminals upside the head and athletes on the knees. Make sure your strong officers have these to bludgeon criminals resisting arrest into submission. They are your best tool for quietly taking down criminals alive during assaults. Because of the low cost, high effectiveness and reusability (think of the environment- and all the nature-worshipping pagans you can club) the nightstick is probably the best piece of equipment you can get your officers.


Taser pistol – Not as overpowered as it was in the previous game. After buying them and some single-use cartriges, it’s almost too expensive to be worth it. It does remain a highly potent tool. They can silently disable criminals for extended periods during raids, and are more accurate than pistols at medium range. On regular calls you instantly resolve the mission, and it will be a win for you as long as the criminal doesn’t have his finger on a trigger.


Pepperspray – Very effective one-shot way to disable criminals on calls. Using it during a raid requires close range, but rewards you with a decent window to arrest the criminal.


Shocker / taser / stun gun – Violently electrocutes criminals at close range. This thing is probably the worst piece of equipment available. Like the taser pistol, it disables criminals for extended peiods of time. However, it requires you to be in arm’s reach of the criminal, and is worthless on assaults because it’s single-use only. If the criminal is old, he dies immediately, and you get fewer can tabs to buy stupid shockers with.


Stun grenade / flashbang – The flashbang is an expensive explosive device designed to shock and disorient criminals. Be sure to have a lot of these on hand. On everyday calls, they will save a lot of lives and bring in a lot of arrests. During assaults they can disable entire rooms of criminals for lengthy periods of time. The drawback is the price and the fact that explosives tend to be single-use only.


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