To Battle!: Hell’s Crusade – Advanced Tips & Tricks
Articles, Misc. Guides /
07 Oct 2019
- Use archers to support other units. If an enemy attacks, archers will fire first before the enemy can attack. This may weaken the enemy, causing their attack to be weaker before they even get to do it!
- Stay in formation! You won’t always be able to predict where the enemy is or how powerful they may be. Your best chance to survival is by developing a strong formation in which your units support each other, and may be rotated should one become in danger.
- Stand firm with faith! There will be situations where you are in a race against time to stop the forces of evil. Trust yourself, trust your formations, and do not panic. If you lose your discipline, all hope may be lost.
- Demons are smart, but with experience you may be able to predict their actions. Demons may try to lure you into disadvantageous situations. In order to prevail, you’ll need to be at least 10% smarter than they are. Learn to identify terrain choke points, and know when to retreat. Slaying demons is glorious work, but sometimes it makes sense to bypass a battle rather than fight every one.
- Use scouts smartly. Move them incrementally to discover enemies. Then retreat them back to your main formation. They work best as harassers from the flanks, in support of the infantry and archers.
- Cherish your ballista. You won’t find very many of them. And they can make all the difference, especially during a castle defense.
- Beware. Enemies can rest, same as you can. Sometimes it is a good idea to chase after a retreating enemy. Just be sure you know what is hiding in the surroundings before you do.
- Each unit can move once per turn AND attack once per turn.
- Except scouts. They have the quick footed perk which means they can move many times per turn until they have used all of their movement points.
- Pay attention to attack types. Melee units attack by moving next to an enemy. First the attacker will attack, then the enemy will counter-attack.
- Skirmish units can attack without being counter-attacked. Unless they are attacking another skirmish unit. Then its skirmish versus skirmish.
- Cavalry units perform a charge attack, and then melee. This is only if they are attacking first though. If an enemy attacks your cavalry, it will be melee versus melee.
- Archers can shoot two hexes. If you attack an enemy that is right next to them, it will be melee. So back away one hex to do the ranged attack.
- Ballista may shoot over three hexes.
- Each unit is good on certain types of terrain and bad on others. Pay attention to the cursor as you move it over different terrain types. You will see information that tells you how much defense the unit will gain or lose. For instance, cavalry will lose defense in forest. And all units will lose defense in water.
- Terrain will also impede movement. A peasant can move three hexes on open plains. They can move four hexes on roads. But in forest they will be slowed down to only two hexes. Scouts can move quickly in forest. Make sure you right click on your units to learn about their strengths and weaknesses. And do the same to learn about your enemies!