Total War: WARHAMMER II – General Tips For Single Player Campaign
/- One question is whether or not having rebels are worth it for the extra money, and it usually depends. If you’re low on money, then yes, so long as you have a defense structure at a province capital. Only exception is your main capital if you have a significant trade income. Otherwise, if you have the money, try to maintain public order and develop instead, as waiting an extra 5 or 6 turns for a construction to resume is not ideal. Once you’ve maxed out economically, you can scrap the public order and start getting rebels again. This is especially better for skaven as they get food from every fight, which can then be used for the food buffs or to improve newly conquered settlements. For High Elves it’s worse due to the debuffs you get from low public order. Otherwise if you’re not willing to fight more rebels then you can keep the public order building. The problem is that while sometimes you can auto-resolve it just fine, there are other times you can’t, and that takes up time.
- Auto resolve generally goes like this: Elves>Lizardmen>Skaven. Elves in general get a high auto resolve rating just from their lord alone, and add in some chariots and archers and suddenly the auto resolve says you have almost no chance. That’s been my experience with the balance bar so far. Oh and if skaven have twice as many units as you as Lizardmen, then it also becomes favorable for them even though you can win that fight manually. You take significantly more losses (generally twice the amount) through auto-resolve than manually, and they tend to target the casualties on one specific unit or unit type.
- Do not go for intervention forces early unless you’re sure they have no army that’s stationed/will station there. The auto resolves generally aren’t that great for them and they might target a different settlement from what you expected. Generally better later on when their armies are spread thin between dealing with your forces+enemy forces+chaos hordes. (Seems to be Lizardmen-specific so far) If you have a technology that reduces construction costs and construction time that will be finished next turn, cancel all the current constructions of that type started this turn and wait until next turn. You can also wait a bit for further reduction through treasure hunting and events.
- For DE and Skaven, Loyalty is generally gained from winning battles, so if you’re thinking of recruiting a lord that turn, recruit him first and then fight with your current armies to gain some additional loyalty. This helps in particular when recruiting Grey Seers in Queek’s campaign.
- All campaign effects like income, recruitment, and construction occur at the start of your next turn. Anything that interrupts those effects between the end of your current turn and the start of your next will cancel or delay those effects.
- For recruitment purposes, demolished buildings take effect before recruitment, and commandments come after.
- If you’ve ambushed an army with reinforcements, your reinforcements will only arrive once the enemy has spotted one of your units.
- Individual models within a group get their hp restored at the end of a battle. So if all 90 archers get down to 1 hp at the end of the battle, the entire unit becomes fully replenished. This is why small groups like chariots can be useful in a campaign where you are often fighting more than one battle in a single turn.
- From an efficiency standpoint, don’t go out of your way to explore the treasure locations at sea; the rewards are sometimes very helpful, but other times don’t apply.
- When there’s an enemy force right next to an enemy settlement you’re targeting, you can attack the enemy army first, then attack the enemy settlement. This gives more xp to your lord(s) and can weaken a fortified settlement. Just make sure you have enough movement points to perform both actions.
- If it looks rather close whether you can attack a settlement or not, hold your move command over the settlement with your attacking force and look at the campaign movement percentage on the lower left side (left click to cancel by the way). If it says zero percent, then you usually won’t make it. Another way to tell is if the movement range of the army on the map shows a small yellow circle surrounding the settlement.
- Unless you want to upgrade it or they provide income, you don’t ever need to repair military recruitment buildings.
- If you think you’ll do poorly fighting a siege battle, you can opt to siege it for a turn instead. If their army is strong enough, they’ll force a fight in a field battle instead which, if you win, will weaken them significantly. There are times when a siege battle is better (mostly related to how the AI acts) so consider both scenarios before deciding.