Trepang2 PC Controls - Keyboard and Gamepad - Magic Game World

Trepang2 PC Controls – Keyboard and Gamepad

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Venturing boldly into the gripping universe of Trepang2, a deeply engaging first-person shooter from the creative minds at Trepang Studios, is nothing short of electrifying. This game, heavily inspired by the iconic 2005 masterpiece F.E.A.R. catapults you into a tumultuous world dominated by private military outfits, adrenaline-pumping action sequences, and pulse-racing combat.


Assuming the role of the enigmatic Subject 106, you are bestowed with superhuman reflexes and the unique ability to turn invisible – vital tools for survival in the perilous labyrinth you are about to explore.


However, before you can flex these unique powers and start taking down heavily fortified adversaries, gaining a firm grasp of the game’s controls is crucial. To aid you on this journey, we have assembled this comprehensive guide, serving up a detailed breakdown of default keyboard and gamepad bindings for Trepang2.



PC Keyboard and Xbox Gamepad Controls




Move Forward W Left Stick Up
Move Backward S Left Stick Down
Move Right D Left Stick Right
Move Left A Left Stick Left
Sprint Left Shift Left Stick (Press)
Flashlight T D-Pad Up
Grenade G LT
Crouch Left Ctrl B
Zoom (Hold) Z None
Zoom (Toggle) MOUSE3 D-Pad Right
Jump Space A
Slide Left Alt None
Focus Q LB
Cloak E RB
Interact F X
Cycle Weapons Mouse Wheel Up/Down Y
Reload R X
Melee MOUSE2 Right Stick (Press)
Dual Wield H D-Pad Down
Tmod Noclip V None
Database I View Button


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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