Ultimate Custom Night – How to Get Old Man Consequences and Fredbear Easter Eggs
Articles, Ultimate Custom Night /
30 Jun 2018
Old Man Consequences
1. Set Old Man Consequences to 1.
2. Set everyone else to 0.
3. Wait until the OMC ‘catch a fish’ minigame appears.
4. Catch the fish.
5. You will be teleported to the FNaF World lake, walk to OMC and he will speak to you. Walk into the lake (Hold walk in front of the lake) and the game will crash.
1. Set Golden Freddy to 1.
2. Set everyone else to 0.
3. Collect 10 Faz-Tokens.
4. Buy a Death Coin.
5. Flip the monitor up and down until Golden Freddy appears.
6. Use the Death Coin (Click on it in the top left when Golden Freddy is in the room) on Golden Freddy.
7. Enjoy the spooky jumpscare from the series’ most mysterious character!