Ultimate Custom Night PC Cheats - Magic Game World

Ultimate Custom Night PC Cheats

C3833C9D 72FA 467A 8DFF F756F0FE2B9B

Easy 2000 Points + Secret Intermission

Select the following animatronics and don’t do anything. Set them to 20 A.I.



Trash and Gang

All phantoms

El Chip

Phone Guy

Old Man C.




This also unlocks a secret intermission.



How to Easily Get 5000 Points

Characters You Will Need




Toy Bonnie

Toy Chica




Withered Chica


Phantom Mangle

Phantom Freddy

Phantom BB

Nightmare Freddy


Trash Gang


Happy Frog

Mr. Hippo


Rockstar Freddy

Rockstar Foxy

El Chip

Funtime Chica

Molten Freddy

Phone Guy




Bonnie: Do not check Pirate Cove at all.


BB and JJ: If they appear, just shut the right vent until they leave.


Toy Chica and Bonnie: Just put the mask on when they appear.


Vent Crawlers: If you turn the fan off (When temp. reaches 100, turn on the fan until temp. gets to 60-70) and you use the power generator (1), you can just leave the front vent shut the entire night.


OMC: Using the camera is only mildly important, so you can ignore him, though we recommend still focusing on catching the fish.


H. Frog, Mr. Hippo, and Pigpatch: The audio lure will completely paralyze them if you put it over them. It should be fairly easy to get 2 of them caught in the lure at the same time, and then the 3rd one will either wander into it by accident or you will have to check occasionally to make sure that the entrance it is at is closed.


R. Foxy: Just ignore the bird.


R. Freddy: When he asks for 5 coins, turn the heater on (3), until he malfunctions. Then turn the power generator back on (1).


If you get a ventilation error, just check the camera and turn it off. You will likely have to check the ducts anyway so it’s just another reason to check the ducts


The biggest problem with this strategy is Dee Dee, so we recommend getting some Dee Dee Repels before doing it.


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