Ultimate Custom Night – Phantom Mangle (Fnaf 3) - Magic Game World

Ultimate Custom Night – Phantom Mangle (Fnaf 3)

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Phantom Mangle is a dark green, more torn-up version of Mangle.


ABBA6D0C 48F9 41C2 84FC 389844A853A1




Phantom Mangle will appear at random on your camera screen, and will appear in your office making audio disturbances.




To avoid Phantom Mangle, all you have to do is quickly close your monitor whenever you see Phantom Mangle on the cameras. If you do it quickly enough then you’ll avoid him appearing in your office.


Phantom Mangle On The Monitor:


6C626267 C720 47BC 9D99 3AD973FF6546


If you reacted too slowly, Phantom Mangle will reappear inside your office, making loud audio disturbances that could potentially attract even more problems. Just make sure your reaction time is good in lowering and raising the monitor to take care of him.


Phantom Mangle In The Office:


14EE60A6 DB9F 4AA1 B412 C9C23EEE7DE4


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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