Ultimate Custom Night - Ventilation and Duct System - Magic Game World

Ultimate Custom Night – Ventilation and Duct System

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Ventilation System

The Ventilation system is built into the tablet. It shows a radar of all of the characters (that can show up on it). You can also put down vent snares on the nodes (by clicking on the node) to stop certain characters from advancing. Some characters can be stopped by the vent door, some by vent snares and some by both.


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Duct System

The Duct system is built into the tablet. It shows a radar of all of the characters which are differed by colored exclamation points. You can turn the heater on, seal the duct by pressing on the “open duct button on the opposite duct and play an audio lure by pressing on a certain point in the duct path. Certain characters in the duct react to certain things.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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