Ultimate Custom Night – Withered Bonnie (Fnaf 2) - Magic Game World

Ultimate Custom Night – Withered Bonnie (Fnaf 2)

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Withered Bonnie looks almost identical to Fnaf 1 Bonnie, except that his endoskeleton head and face are missing and his arms are broken and showing wires.


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Withered Bonnie will randomly appear in your office, and will not appear on any of the cameras. If you succeed in making him leave, the lights will dim for a second, and he’ll disappear from the room.




Deal with Withered Bonnie like you would in Fnaf 2: Listen out for the musical buzzing noise, and instantly put your Freddy Mask on to ward him off.


Withered Bonnie In The Office:


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If you succeed, the buzzing noise will stop and he’ll disappear from the room. He appears if you remain on the camera system for too long, so if he’s one of the main animatronics you’re using don’t spend too much time watching the cameras!


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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