Unheard – 100% Walkthrough
Mission 1 – Twins
This mission is hard to miss anything, it holds your hand till the very end and you’ll find everything in this level just from it guiding you.
Photos for positions at the start of a level.
Mission 2 – Empty Frame
To Prepare for a long term achievement, be sure to visit every room
To get the achievement related to this part of the story, just let it play threw without stopping, fast-forwarding it, or anything.
Then simply refer to the attached screenshots and finish the mission
Mission 3 – Raven
[all of this will have an identical trend]
To Prepare for a long term achievement, be sure to visit every room
To get the achievement related to this part of the story, just let it play threw without stopping, fast-forwarding it, or anything.
Then simply refer to the attached screenshots and their timestamps and finish the mission
Mission 4 – Theater
[all of this will have an identical trend]
To Prepare for a long term achievement, be sure to visit every room
To get the achievement related to this part of the story, just let it play threw without stopping, fast-forwarding it, or anything.
Then simply refer to the attached screenshots and their timestamps and finish the mission
Mission 5 – Mental Hospital
To get a level-specific achievement, simply go and stand next to the girl humming by the TV in this mission and wait till she is finished, then you will get the achievement Sole Audience
To get that long term achievement, visit all the rooms in this one and you will get the Sound Chaser achievement
To get the achievement related to this part of the story, just let it play threw without stopping, fast-forwarding it, or anything.
Then simply refer to the attached screenshots and finish the mission
Make sure to pick everyone that is checked
All 3 Endings
When asked, “WHO ARE YOU”, choose “NO. 68” then choose the ashtray on the right side.
When asked “WHO ARE YOU”, choose any option other than “NO. 68” or “DETECTIVE”
Auditory Hallucination
When asked “WHO ARE YOU”, choose “NO. 68” then choose the sleeping pills on the left side.
*Choose “DETECTIVE” to see an ending without new achievement